A few simple rules to observe in order to keep your jewels in a good state

- In order to keep the brightness of your Eye of Saint Lucia and your coral, please avoid perfume directly onto the jewel.

- Do not bathe your jewels in silver cleaning detergents, nor use ultrasound devices. Those products will unpolish your coral and will be corrosive for the shell's operculum.

- A simple wash liquid will be sufficient to clean those jewels.

- The jewels made with natural stones are not concerned by those recommandations. However it is always best not to use too many chemical products directly onto the stones surface.

- 'Snake' chains can dislocate themselves when bend. It is best to remove them before going to bed, and not to allow children to wear them.

- 'Cable' necklaces shall not be bend, otherwise they may not get their round shape back.


All of our gold and silver jewels (even those with the shell and/or the coral) can be safely cleaned with our shammy cloths ASTIC-BRILLE.